An infographic doesn’t have to be an ultra long never ending scrolling page. A short and to-the-point graphic with a few simple icons can convey a strong message.
Feminism, equality in the workplace and gender pay gap have been issues over the last several decades. Starting as a small snowball in the sixties, the issue has gained momentum until it is now a huge boulder of snow hurtling down the mountainside and getting attention.
Companies have been making moves over the last few years to ensure more women are in roles that they are entitled to by skill and ability. Yet, the impact group reports that women are still only 11% of the C-Suite in S&P 500 companies.
Women in Business infographic by the Impact Group highlights key statistics as a snapshot of women in business.
Design – 3/5
Minimal presentation with at-a-glance information.
Typography – 3/5
Text is presented in an efficient way.
Illustration – 2/5
The graphic contains a few icons but no illustration.
Content – 3/5
Key statistics about the numbers of women represented in business are presented concisely.
Overall – 3/5
An efficient and minimal graphic that provides a snap shot of a current topic.