10 Ways technology Can Raise Your Creative Gain

Many years ago, as a designer, promoting yourself was a limited game. The phone book (hard copy) was your search engine and limited high-brow design magazines were the only portal for exposure of your work. It was a tough game to make it as a freelancer and make a name for yourself in the industry – it was all about who you knew and having the right contacts.

Along came the internet, and an immediate global gallery opened up to all. Sites such as Dribble and Behance are breeding grounds of creativity and a hive of talent showcasing their wares. Reaching potential clients suddenly became much more accessible and the opportunity to work remotely anywhere in the world opened up.

Technology has had a huge impact on design – not just for the accessibility to work but also in the tools we use and the way we work. It would be fair to say that design and the internet are hand-in-glove.

10 Ways technology Can Raise Your Creative Gain infographic reviews the impact of technology on the creative industry and how it impacts on the day-to-day of the creative way of working. Technology is an ever-changing landscape and promotes change and original ideas.

Design overall – 7
The design is bold and graphic with an emphasis on the key information. Graphs and icons offer a punctuation of illustration to the key points. Colour is strong and helps to divide each section.

Typography – 7
Typography is clear and well presented with all content legible.

Illustration – 6.5
Illustration is limited in the infographic to the main banner which offers a bold graphic style evocative of technology.

Content – 7
Relevant to the publisher and directed at their core audience of creatives, the graphic offers a selection of information, advice and statistics.

Overall score – 7
An informative and relevant piece of content from Acuity Training.

10 Ways technology Can Raise Your Creative Gain infographic

7 years ago