Demand for BSN-prepared Nurses in Chicago

I often talk about what makes a great infographic and the component parts that make it. Another question to consider is, how niche should an infographic be and is niche better than broad?

I review a lot of online content and in my opinion, content should be targeted at your audience; therefore, be as niche as possible.

I like to see a blog using visual graphics to illustrate a story – it benefits the audience by being easy to consume at-a-glance and retains engagement by breaking up the format and structure.

Demand for BSN-prepared Nurses in Chicago infographic from Aurora University presents a niche topic and complements their well-written blog article with a visual flourish.

Design overall – 7
The design is a good standard. The banner is clear and representative of the subject. Each section is clearly divided and key information visually stands out.

Typography – 6
The banner is visually strong and key elements are highlighted by size and weight of font.

Illustration – 7
The graphic uses strong illustration as a flourish to the piece to make it visually appealing and draw attention. All illustrative elements used are relevant to the content and make sense to the subject.

Content – 6
Highly focused on the Chicago area and the state of employment for Nurses the content delivers a variety of stats and information that would be relevant to a person considering a career in nursing.

Overall score – 6.5
Targeted at a niche audience this infographic illustrates the article very well as a supplement to the in-depth information the page presents.

Demand for BSN-prepared Nurses in Chicago infographic

7 years ago