The Rise of The Silver Surfers

The over-50 crowd of today is nothing like previous generations. Retirees and boomers right now are far more active, more involved, and better with technology than their parents or grandparents were and business and service providers are moving to keep up with them. If your idea of a pensioner is a grey-haired woman sitting in a rocking chair, you need an update. She and her friends are getting involved in all types of activities and they have interests that would surprise you.This infographic from shows the rise of the silver surfer…

the rise of the silver surfer

Travelling – Retirement is a great time to do the things you have always wanted to do, and for many that means travelling. Over 50s are hitting the road, air, and sea in record numbers to take those trips of a lifetime.

Getting Fit – The typical caravanning or beach holiday is not for all boomers. What many may find surprising is that one in ten over 50 adults is yearning for a backpacking holiday. Even when not travelling, boomers are more interested than ever in being physically fit.

Getting an Education
– Getting older is no reason to stop learning and the over 50 crowd in Australia agrees. Older Australians are continuing with their education with training programs for new work as well as by taking university courses simply for enrichment. They are learning new skills, hobbies, and activities, and enjoying stretching their brains.

Using Technology – Perhaps the biggest myth about over 50s is that they are resistant to using technology, but this could not be further from the truth. They are using the internet for banking, communicating, shopping, and even for connecting with others through social media.

Volunteering – The majority of retirees in Australia are giving of their time to help others. Life after work is viewed as a time of fun and celebration and as a chance to live out dreams.

11 years ago

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